Hello writers,
The payment portal is now live! You can visit the portal by one of the following methods:
Maybe app > “My Info” > 3 dots on the top left corner > “Log In to Payment Portal” > Wait a couple of seconds until the QR code is gone and the payment portal shows up
Visit payment-gv.cinamon.io on a web browser > A QR code will show up > Open Maybe app > "My Info" > “Log In with QR Code” > Allow Maybe access to your camera > Scan QR code on the web browser with the in-app camera
You can see your cumulative and monthly revenue, balance, and statistics per novel in the payment portal.
For information on when the portal is updated, when you can apply for withdrawal, and other details, please visit “Withdrawal Guide” under “Guide” > “Payment Guide,” “Withdrawal Guide,” and “Tax Guide.”
A detailed how-to on using the payment portal will be provided in the Creator’s Guide. We will let you know in this announcement after the guide is updated.
Happy writing!
#mod #payment #portal #monetization #profit #ad #diamonds